What itmeans How you getstarted: ‣ Think about the process of experience innovation as an onion with three main layers: and why it feature, service and business. Each one provides a platform for the next. - Feature innovation is about incrementally improving human experiences with an existing product, such as an auto play button or contactlesspayments. matters - Service innovation arises when a set of features creates new services and products. - Business innovation develops if a service creates radical, disruptive change to the human experience. At this level, embedding experience innovation as an entire Atrueexperienceinnovationcultureasks business can change or create a whole newecosystem. youtoclosethegapbetweenyourbrand promise and the experiences you deliver Almost 80% of leading by changing not just what you say, but companies said they were howyoubehaveacrossyourorganization. 80% very confident about their Experience innovation is not a tactic that ability to link their CX shows up at a specific moment. It occurs vs innovations to actual at all levels of your business. And it’s not business results (e.g., boosts achievedbyoptimizingCXtouchpoints– in sales or contract it’s achieved by solving problems in renewals), versus 52% of all fundamentally newways. 52% othercompanies.

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